- Language: ENGLISH
- Format: PDF
Allah the Almighty created both humans and the jinn for a great objective, that is, the realization of voluntary worship and servitude to Him alone. Allah says in the Noble Qur’an what can be translated as «And in no way did I create the jinn and humankind except to worship Me.» ( 51:56) As human minds are short of knowing the attributes of the Creator, their duties towards Him, His rewards for the obedient, and His punishments to the disobedient, He chose the perfect persons, both physically and morally, to deliver His Message and guide the people to His right Way. Allah says in the Noble Qur’an what can be translated as «Allah knows best where He makes His Message.» (6:124).
Allah has not sent an angel who always worships or another creature that is always playful and self-indulgent. The reason is that the objectives of the divine Message are the rehabilitation of man to be able to carry out his task as a successor on Earth, that is, to worship Allah and cultivate the Earth according to the divine method.
Therefore, Allah’s Messengers and Prophets (PBUH) were humans who eat food and walk in the markets, who marry and have children, who are perfect but human. Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) was in no way an innovation among the Messengers and was no exception. Allah says in the Noble Qur’an what can be translated as «Say, ‘ Surely I am only a mortal the like of you: it is revealed to me that surely your God is only one God « (18:110).