Blind Following Of Madhhabs

Anyone who comes across the discussions of the followers of the madhhabs will not doubt that the misfortune of blind-following of madhhabs is one of the causes of decline of the Muslims and their backwardness. It has transformed their minds so that they do not think except with the minds of other people. The Imaams and their first students – rahimahumullaah – did not blindly stick to their own opinions like these followers who have forgotten a large portion of the advice given by the Imaams. Thus Shaytaan has caused enmity and hatred between them so that they relit a fire which Allaah had extinguished and in reality, they turned away from the sayings of the Mujtahid Imaams and clung onto the hypothetical answers given by late-comers who did not leave anything of the madhhabs except their names. Many scholars throughout the ages have understood this fact and so they have written about it and done well. But the work of ‘Allaamah al-Ma’soomee – rahimahullaah – Hadiyyat us-Sultaan ilaa Muslimee Bilaad il-Yaabaan is, despite its small size, perhaps one of the most beneficial books written on the subject. This is this due to its excellent style and strength of proofs, to the point that it is a fatal blow to the misfortune of blind-following of madhhabs. This is a concise version of this book, edited by Shaykh Saleem al- Hilaalee. This book was translated into English by Daawood ibn Ronald Burbank. We ask Allaah, the Blessed and Most High, to make this work beneficial to the Muslims. Those who do not give precedence to anything before Allaah and His Messenger, so that they may unsheathe the sword of knowledge, which is: ‘Allaah says… His Messenger says…’ And ride upon the back of truth, which is acquiring knowledge along with its proof. Thus expelling from Islaam the alterations of those going beyond bounds, the false claims of the deceptive, the misinterpretations of the ignorant and the bigotry of the blind- followers: those who pick and choose from the Qur’aan and divide up their Deen into sects and become separate groups

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