Bilal the Abyssinian – One Light, Many Colors

The timeless message of Islam, articulated on the tongue and in the life of the Prophet (p), brought the legislation of equality to the Muslim faithful, who in turn introduced it, through faith and practice, to the world. No better example of brotherly love’s transcendence over socio-ethnic differences exists than that of the virtuous Prophet of Islam’s long and fruitful relationship with an Abyssinian slave he chose as the first Muslim mu’adth-dthin, or caller to prayer, Bilal ibn Rabah (r). It is to this storied bond between the Prophet (p) and a most faithful Believer that our noted scholar and beloved teacher, Dr. Abdur-Rahman al-Sheha, turns his attention to illuminate the braided strands of Muslim law and pristine Islamic practice. The result is a memorable narrative as bountiful in its assembly of Quranic and Traditional proofs of Islamic equality and tolerance as it is in establishing the ascension and triumph of the African Bilal over incipient Arab racialism and bigotry.
Life of the virtuous Bilal is buttressed by wholly engaging, scholarly commentaries on equality in Islam and unity of humankind. His writing is made more attractive by the power of simplicity as he deftly makes the liberating point, citing copious evidence from the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of our Honorable Prophet (p), that piety, or its lack, confers either honor or dishonor on each of us. Expanding on this encompassing theme of equality, he firmly underscores both the necessity and the responsibility of equality under law (Shari’ah) which both rewards and punishes in equal measure, sanctifies the blood of the Muslim as well as his/her property and belongings, grants equal access to Allah’s bounties and rites of worship.

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