Long ago, there emerged a sect distinguishing between Prophet Muhammad’s (sws) wives and the members of his family. In fact, they attacked them and slandered them, besides declaring them disbelievers, as they also did to the Prophet’s (sws) Companions, in addition to their many other false beliefs, the likes of which no Jew, Christian, or other adherent of false beliefs would deign to accept. This sect of which we speak—the Shia (the Partisans of Ali and those of their kind)—believe that their Scripture (the Holy Quran) which they admit and confess descended upon Prophet Muhammad (sws) through revelation from above has been changed. And this is only the beginning.
The sect to which we refer—the Shia and those like them—are also called the Twelvers.
This brief, concise presentation of my research will—Allah willing—address some of the erroneous beliefs and false claims of this sect, it will clarify why they are incorrect and it will provide an unequivocal refutation of them.
Therefore, the reader should proceed as a seeker of truth who wishes only to follow it and to propagate it, not to discredit it and lead others away from it.
May Allah al-Kareem al-Ghafoor have Mercy on all of us, save and protect us from the all evils, Forgive us our sins, keep us steadfast on His true Deen (as practised by our beloved Prophet SallAllāhu Alaihi wa Sallam, his Companions and the at-Taaba’een), Guide those of us who are Misguided, and unite the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad SallAllāhu Alaihi wa Sallam, Aameen!