The author Badee-u-Zaman: I say that just as the garments of a delinquent do not suit a respectable gentleman, so also the culture and way of life of Europe do not suit the people of Istanbul. Glory to Allah and victory to Islam!”
He was tried and because of loud popular protest, in the end the martial court acquitted him.
After a short stay in Istanbul, he went to Damascus where before the most learned ulema there, he delivered a
stirring address in the Umayyad Mosque where he diagnosed the ills of the modern world and the Muslim world:
1. the prevalence of despair 2. the lack of honesty in social and political matters 3. the substitution of enmity for amity 4. disunity among the Muslims 5. the growth of totalitarian tyranny 6. egotism
He pleaded for Arab-Turkish unity as the basis upon which an Islamic renaissance depends and promised in the
future that if the Muslims strived to their utmost, Islamic civilization would replace European culture for the latter was corrupted with the lowest passions and mutual discord and devoid of Divine guidance.
After his journey to Damascus, he devoted his time to the founding of a new Islamic University where the religious teachings of Islam would be combined with the modem sciences, but World War I interrupted this activity.

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