Latest RUQYA Books


قصہ ہاروت وماروت اور جادو کی حقیقت


Spiritual Disease and It’s Cure – Ibn al-Qayyim


الرقى وأحكامها


The Ruqiya which is Shirk


Performing ruqyah through experience if free from shirk


The Spiritual Cure – Surah Fatiha


The Spiritual Cure – Imam Ibn Taymiyyah


Treatment by Ruqyah


Warning Against Non-Sharia Ruqyah by Ibn Baaz


Advice about Ruqqiyah – Shaykh Dr Rabee’ bin Hadi al-Madkhali


COLLECTION: Prohibited Ruqyah: Shirk and its Consequences


Volume 1: Sihr – Treating Sihr with Ruqyah and Shari`ah-approved supplications


Volume 1: Sihr – Lawful treatment for a spell


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Ruqyah by reciting the Qur’an, Dhikr and anything that does not entail Shirk


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Treating a patient possessed by jinn by reciting Ayat over them


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Ruqyah used by Bedouins seeking treatment from vermin bites


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Ruqyah is permissible when it does not entail any Shirk


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Permissibility of supplicating with the Names of Allah to be cured from illness


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Going to a diviner in cases of illness


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Going to practitioners of acts of Shirk who supplicate and seek help from the dead


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Treating a person possessed by jinn according to the Shari`ah


Volume 1: Ruqyah – The lawful Ruqyah is that taken from the Qur’an and the Du`a’ reported in authentic Hadith


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Charms, amulets and love-potions count as Shirk


Volume 1: Ruqyah – Treating patients through Ruqyah by reciting the Qur’an and saying Dhikr and Du`a’ reported in authentic Hadith

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