300 Authenticated Miracles of Muhammad

A miracle is a marvellous event caused by a supernatural agency, Almighty Allah. The Holy Qur’an uses words (Aayat,
Burhan, etc.) which mean ‘sign’, ‘argument’, etc., instead of the word ‘Mu’jizah’ (miracle). These words are really more to the point.
Miracles (signs) have played an integral part in the lives of the prophets. Spiritual forces have always been the main weapon in their hands. The~ never based their teachings on any material splendour.
Allah, the Almighty has bestowed miracles to the prophets as signs (“Aayat”) of their prophethood. The miracles of David, Solomon, Abraham, Moses and Jesus are very famous. These miracles are also mentioned in the Holy Qur’an along with other miracles. There are some other prophets about whom the Holy Qur’an is silent as regards their miracles, but that, of course, does not mean that no miracles were performed by them. Miracles were needed for those prophets who met the greatest opposition, while those who were ordained only to refresh people’s memories about what had been brought by earlier prophets did not need the help of their own miracles.
Prophet Muhammad {p.b.u.h.), being the Last Messenger of Allah for the whole of mankind, was given miracles which were aimed at all mankind. As a matter of fact the number of miracles performed by the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) far exceeds those performed by any other prophet.

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