25+ Hadiths on Friday and Its Merits

Jumu`ah or Friday is so important in Islam. It is considered the best day of the week for Muslims. It is the day where the Muslims gather to offer prayer in congregation. The day of Jumu`ah is one of the blessings that the Muslim nation has been endowed with. Imam Ibn Kathir said, “It was named Jumu`ah because it is derived from the word Al-Jam` in Arabic which means to gather, as Muslims gather on this day every week, and Allah has commanded the believers to gather for His worship, as He says what means: “O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed for Jumu`ah (Friday prayer), come fast to the remembrance of Allah.” (Al-Jumu`ah 62: 9) meaning be keen to go and attend it.”
this booklet presents the most authentic ahadith regarding Friday and its merits. This includes some narrations that focus on the etiquette and rules of Friday Prayer. It also includes the preferred acts which a Muslim can do in order to get the great rewards on Friday.

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