Ever since Greek and Roman tiшез, European thinkers and historians have Ьееп prone to contemplate the history of the wюгld from the standpoint and in terms of Еurореап history and ‘Western cultural experiences alone. Non-Westem civilizations enter the picture only in so far аs their exis1ence, оf particular movements within them, have or had а direct influence оп the destinies of Western mап; and thus, in Western eyes, the history of the world and its various cultures amounts in the last resort to Iitt1e пюге than ап expanded history of the West.
Naturally, such а narrowed angle оf vision is bound to produce а distorted perspective. Accustomed as hе is to writings which depict the culture or discuss the problems of his own civilization in great detail and in vivid colours, with litt1e mоге than side g1ances here .and there at the rest of the world, the average European or American easily succumbs to the illusion that the сultuга! experiences of the West аге поt merely superior but out I:)f аН proportion to those of the rest of the world; and thus, that 1the Western way of lifе is the only va1id norm Ьу which other ways of lifе could Ье adjudged -implying, of course, that every intellectual сопсерt, social institution or ethical valuation that disagrees with the Western ‘поrш’ belongs to а lower grade of existence. Following in the footsteps of thе Greeks and Romans, the Occidental likes to think that all those ‘other’ civilizations are or were only so mапу stumb1ing experiments оп the path of progress so unerringly pursued Ьу the \Vest; or, at best (as in the case of the ‘ancestor’ civilizations which preceded that of the modern West in а direct line), по more than consecutive chapters in опе and the same book of which, the Western civilization is, of cour5e, the final chapter.

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