About Us

BismillaahirRahmaanirRaheem – In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

And may the Praise of Allāh in the highest assembly of the Angels and safety and security be upon His Servant and Messenger Muhammad (SAW) and Family.

As-Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu:

This website was created 15 years ago with advice, support and guidance of my mentor and teacher, Shaykh Abu Muhammad Abdur Rauf Shakir (حَفِظَهُ اللهُ), Alhamdulillah. Its object is to disseminate authentic and beneficial knowledge, based on the Blessed and Moderate Methodology of the Sahabah, Taabi’een and Atbaa’ At-Tabi’een. It was narrated in a hadith from the Prophet ﷺ  : “ The Jews split into seventy-one sects, and the Christians split into seventy-two sects, and this nation will split into seventy-three sects, all of which will be in Hell except one.” It was said: “Who are they, O Messenger of God?” He ﷺ said: “Those who follow the same path as I and my companions .”

May Allaah, al-Wakeel (the Best One to Take Charge of our affairs), al-Haadee, al-Walee an-Naseer, Guide us to gain His Pleasure and Mercy in the Hereafter. May Allah al-Qawee, strengthen our Emaan, as well as our physical bodies and enable us to complete this task in a way that is Pleasing to Him. Aameen!

For Questions or Queries please mail to: admin@nullemaanlibrary.com

We ask your Du’a for the Ulama, Scholars, Students of Knowledge and the Authors and Speakers whose works have been posted on this website, and for us. May Allaah, al-Aleem, al-Hakeem, make this website beneficial for all. May Allaah, an-Naasir, Help us in this challenging task to spread His Deen, as practiced by the Sahabah and Tabe’ein, to seek His Pleasure. We ask Allah (SWT) to forgive us and overlook our errors. By Allah, we are ignorant, poor, weak, sinful, ill and recognize our weaknesses and incapabilities. We ask Allah, al-Ghafoor ar-Raheem, to accept our repentance and forgive us for errors made by us. May Allaah, the Most High, grants this project His Acceptance and success and abundantly reward our Noble Scholars, Parents, Families, ourselves and Readers in the Hereafter, as He the Exalted can only reward, Aameen!

📖 Imam An-Nawawi: ‘Whoever wants to show obedience to his parents, let him give charity on their behalf. The reward of charity reaches the deceased, and they benefit from it without any difference amongst the Muslims.’ [Sharh Sahih Muslim]

📖 Imam Ibn Taymiyyah : ‘The Imams have unanimously agreed that the reward of charity benefits the deceased…’ [Majmu’ al-Fataawa]

📖 Imam Ibn Baz: “This is something agreed upon by the scholars, that the deceased benefit from supplications and charity.” [Majmu’ Fataawa Ibn Baz]

“O Allah, my sins are too many and I lack knowledge of your Deen. O Allah, Forgive me for my shortcomings.
O Allah, accept our humble effort in this Project and Guide us when we go astray. O Allah give us the ability to be like our Salaf in this world. Truly, You Are Hearer of our Duaas, Aameen. O Allah, we humbly beg you to raise us on Judgement Day with the Salaf, those upon whom You bestowed your Mercy, who remained Obedient and Steadfast to your Commandments, who remained firm upon Tawheed in all adversities, who refrained from that which was forbidden, who did not go astray and whose Deeds and Ibadaat Pleased You, my Lord, Aameen!
O Allah, the Most Generous One, the One Who appreciates good done for His sake alone, REWARD ALL our Noble Scholars and Students of Knowledge, all their parents and families, and ALL those who have advised or helped us, in the way that only You, the Almighty, the MOST Merciful, can REWARD, Aameen!
O Allah, ar-Rahman ar-Raheem, the Most Merciful, Bestow Your Mercy upon us, Forgive our sins and Replace them with good deeds on the Yawm al Qiyamah when we will be Judged. O, the Most Compassionate and Merciful One, Forgive us, Our Parents, Our Families, Our Loved ones and all those who have done a morsels work for Your Deen, Ameen! O Allah, ar Rahman, ar Raheem, the Most Merciful, forgive us for the mistakes & errors on the website as we lack knowledge. Only You, O Allah, the All Knowing, have complete knowledge of the seen and the unseen. We are imperfect. Only You, O Allah, the Almighty, are Perfect.”


We reject all forms of extremism and religious fanaticism in the name of Salfiyah. We also reject speech from hasty youth who are causing divisions among Salafi communities and rejecting advice of the Scholars. We love and respect our Noble Scholars, past and present, for the sake of Allah (SWT), Who blessed them with knowledge of His Book and Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, and we shall continue to propagate their work, Inshahallah.

O Allah, ar Raheem al Kareem, Protect our Noble Scholars from all Fitan, increase them in knowledge and guide them to benefit all Muslims in the best manner, Aameen. Read the fatwa given by the Permanent Committee, comprising of 5 Major Scholars including the Grand Mufti Shaykh Abdul Azeez Al Shaykh and Shaykh Allamah Saleh al Fawzan, calling for Unity between the Salafis and rejecting Ghuluww & Extremism. Search for Fatwa: STOP THIS DISCORD IN THE WEST!

This is not-for-profit website and all material contained within this website is published free of charge and in their original format for spreading authentic Islamic knowledge.


All books and lectures here within are provided purely for educational and research purposes, please do not abuse this service by using it for commercial purposes. Give credit to the original content creators and only redistribute in its original format. Everything has been collected from free internet sources. The sharer does not hold any responsibility of any mistakes. Please consult an Aalim / Scholar before making up your mind as books can only provide info up to a certain level and this info is translated into knowledge by a qualified teacher.


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